Day 5, March 18, 2020: Old Timey
Want to feel good? Trust me on this and do something old timey. I imagine there’s some science here somewhere, but in short, it takes our mind, body and spirit back to times we associate with home, hearth, and haven. Today, I made sourdough bread. I’d originally started my sourdough starter back in the fall and made bread for a few months. On Monday, I pulled my sourdough starter out of hibernation and today I made bread. Does it look and taste like my favorite local bakery’s? No. Was it warm, fresh, and good and made me feel a sense of accomplishment and success? Absolutely.
My starter is taken from Daniel Leader’s Bread Alone cookbook, but there are lots of recipes and videos online if you want to try your hand at it. My bread recipe is taken from the same cookbook, but I’ve incorporated some of the recipes and directions I’ve read online. He also has this recipe for Tourte de Meule available online, which is from his newer bread making cookbook, Living Bread.
Of course, your “old timey” endeavor doesn’t have to be bread, but it does have to take some effort. How about knitting, crocheting, sewing, gardening, planting a new seedling, Any of these would fit the bill, especially if it’s not something you routinely do.