Day 19: Down the Rabbit Hole

Day 19, Wednesday April 1, 2020: Down the Rabbit Hole

Who else is feeling like they’ve gone down the rabbit hole into a completely other realm, akin to Alice’s Wonderland? I know I do. I haven’t written a posting in a few days now. What can I possibly say or write when confirmed cases in Michigan increased more than 400% in a single week? I will remind us all that the doctors and nurses at our hospitals are our brave and honorable heroes at this time, and that the everyday workers who are keeping food on our tables and necessary services running are our foot soldiers in this war.  I, a mere observer, can only write about my daily experiences, as mundane as they are (J), and my thoughts as I shelter in place along with the rest of the world.

Back to the Alice analogy. If my daytime is down the rabbit hole, then my nights have been a respite from the craziness of the new world order. Sleep has become a blessed escape and I’ve been honoring that by going to bed early each night, turning off my phone, showering before bed, and keeping fresh sheets on the bed. The result has been terrific sleep and entertaining dreams.

Last night, I was at a writer’s conference, staying in a cabin in the woods, where I met a cute, youngish male writer, and momentarily forgot my husband’s name when I went to introduce him! How shameful is that! The result was: I woke up with the “rabbit hole” analogy, was motivated to again put pen to paper, and told my husband how much I love him and appreciate him as we hole up together and ride this out.

Now, off to sample the brownies I made today, courtesy of my husband’s mother’s recipe for Passover Brownies. He’s been asking for these for only 20 some years! It’s taken a pandemic.

Author: Connie

I like to play tennis, sail, play the bassoon, bake, read, and at times have experimented with writing. Starting a blog was one of my retirement plans, so I'm happy to finally launch one 2 years into retirement. I've been in Michigan for 20 years, but grew up mostly in Louisiana and have lived in various states and briefly in Germany.

One thought on “Day 19: Down the Rabbit Hole”

  1. Those brownies sound good! We have already started eating “Fried Matzo” as a comfort food. 🙂

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